Monday, September 30, 2019


Go to the polls
I nearly froze
I held my nose as I marked my X
Another vote cast
Not my first, not my last
All that I ask is for something positive
Is this the best my country can do?
Seems they’re all in it for them
So what’s left for you?
I am one in 37 million….
Is this the cream of the crop?
The microphone drop
The skeletons populate the House
Proportionally not
It’s first past the post
I’m tired of ghosts
I want solutions based approach
The planet is dying
Refugees crying
Racism and intolerance gaining speed
The invisible hand
Strength to the Man
Capitalize upon our greed
We are the cure,
We are the cause
We created Santa Claus
Politically correct
The noose round our neck
Strangles propaganda into our brain
To critically think
Black, brown and pink
Irrelevant, divisive, distinct
We should be all one
Not under the gun
Or tyranny of wealth and poverty
I am one in 7.7 billion….
Borders and pens
Angry white men
Everybody is pissed off these days
They victimize you,
But you do it too
Oblivious or apathy?
Did you go and mark your X today?
Did you stand up and use your right
To have your say?
War tears our earth, here we have rights at birth
The same so many others are fighting for
Taken for granted
The seeds that were planted
Choking under pesticide mist
The weed misunderstood
Don’t see it’s good
hemp, or dandelion
we all want that perfect lawn
but the picket fence is gone
replaced by solid, stolid walls
Go to the polls
I nearly froze
I held my nose as I marked my X
Another vote cast
Not my first, not my last
All that I ask is for something positive
Is this the best my country can do?
Seems they’re all in it for them
So what’s left for you?
I am one in 37 million….

Edmonton, AB, Canada

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Ride

Mind burns
Like legs hammering
Up an infinite gradient
On a velocipede
Spinning, the crank of the chain, axle, rim
The rubber hits the road
Every day I ride this route
Like Sisyphus, minus the ease of decent
Everything slows
Focus on each stroke
Eyes eat the inches of anticipation
I take flight,
Lumbering over the surface
But it’s in the depths you feel the ache;
The fire scorching lactic acid of self-destruction
Muscle and memory breakdown
The chain drives and accelerates me
As opposed to tethering
This time behind bars
Offers a sense of freedom
If only a mirage
Like the rising crest
I can feel my being in every cell enclosed within my being,
Being a distraction from incapacitating thoughts
And fear of fastness:
Stillness and speed
Always moving against the wind
Wheels and crank spin
Like mechanisms
In conflagrant cognition
The words of decampment
No matter motion, you never move in the now
That just happens on the sides of each moment
This is the basis of our propulsion
The bicycle, my boulder
But, unlike Sisyphus
The burning contains
A spark; synaptic; of hope
Enjoying the effortlessness
Of the descent
Presenting the freedom that is rebellion
Against all that which we have waged.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


The summer never came this year
This summer I faced my greatest fear
Autumn is now in the air
It arrived too soon
I’ve seen enough
Death and decay
I need to see another way
Obscured joy through endless negativity

Me, you, simple solution
Seems harder fought
Than a revolution
Fighting against the tides
Of an angry sea
Take a breath, the salt air
The humidity
In your hair
Hearts face an eternal scare
That won’t subsist

Time has been our recorder
The ups and downs, tumult, disorder
The struggles we have had to face
Had nothing with us to do
Please just take my hand
Walk with me
along the strand
Beat back the waves,
feet sink in syrupy sand
We wobble, twist, but won’t fall down

I know how dark and cold the days are seeming
I know, in our hearts
That you and I are still dreaming and then
The sun will rise and perhaps
We’ll be blinded by the snow-
lose our way
But we both know the weather’s always changing

One thing leads to another
You’re a lover, you’re a mother
Expectations, so many things can overwhelm
Me too, I get the sensation
My narrative a retaliation of every time I try to turn things
Around and make them right
Leaves have yellowed, crisp and fallen
Laughter so often confused with bawling
Loneliness as we leave the tree
Fall upon the ground
The wind can sweep us both away
Spiral dance and joyful fray
Just have to be where we are today
Pray the rest will come

I know how cold and dark the days are seeming
I know, in our minds
That you and I are still dreaming and then
The sun will rise, perhaps
We’ll be blinded by the beauty
If only we can see through the pain
But we both know the weather’s always changing

The summer never came this year
This summer I faced my greatest fear
Autumn’s brief in this part of the world
It’s arrived too soon
I’ve seen enough
Death and decay
I need to see another way
Long for the bough, the branch, the birds

Come fly away with me
We can be free, eternity
Untethered by the complications
That seem to surround
Believe in me, I’ll believe in you
And hopefully the belief with soak right through
To touch our hearts, silence self-doubt
Then summer may begin

Sunday, September 22, 2019


phosphorescent flock
Flies afore the backdrop of the Big Dipper
The moon smiles its autumn face and the air is redolent with
The crispness to come
We sit there , exhaling into the night;
Our eyes fixed on the 
Imagining what it must be to fly;
To be illuminated thus
Through the purest
White of lunar rays
This is where we find our peace;
Energy mating in cosmic
A speck amongst this
Speck we call home
Enveloped in infinity
The river

That our lives flow 

Friday, September 20, 2019


Words are weightless when
Devoid of substance
Yet can crush
With entomological denotation
Conflicting with connotation
Empty without act
The actor’s script
Mundane; a work of fiction
Creates the narrative by which we live and perish
Out of sync with our mortal carriage
The body; a separation of church, spirit and state
Decapitated thoughts that plunder hope while aspiring
To American Dreams
The thought, the spirit and corporeal form
A sinewy mix of chemicals and flesh
Heavy with fluid
Unlike the weightless words;
Weighed down ; chained by inertia, apathy and gravitational forces-
Self-talk platitudes and
Make merry memes and technicolor pills
Knee-scraped off the wagon and scrambling
Back on, ragged, raw, real… if anything can actually be
All is manifest
Not taking the time to deal with the deluge of dust
Made muddy when our sacks release
Etching rivulets down dirt streaked cheeks; that emotional river, salient, sting
Wipe away, wipe away; smearing their channels in hopes of not repeating
But is it the mask I remove; exposed the callow of character; an naked actor,
Is there such a thing as self and an actual I?
Or is it self-immolation and erasing of memory?
Not that we ever really knew to know
These things, highs, lows, ebb and flow
Crushed by weightless words as they wind a noose
Choking the lines, blood flow stops
Brain fades brown
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down

Panic Attack

That feral feeling
Bones brutally brought through flesh by mind
The buzz and shudder of anxiety
Invisible to those in proximity
The beast is the burden
Talons sting offer no deflection
The thoughts still there; imploding/exploding
As yin and yang
Minus the balance
Containment and blunting
Not enough to stop
The sear of dread
My head takes over
As if possessed…
Why does trauma persist
Long after the danger is past?
Betrayed by body, the myth that we are programmed
To survive
Fear that the hand reaching out pushes away instead
The cure and causes intertwine
And dance like two venomous
Serpents fucking
Fangs slash, the poison floods my vision
And the constricting coils offer an irony of relief
While suffocating;
The degrees of pressure between strangulation and a hug
So minimal
And feeling like nothing but feeling so vehemently
Another of the bodies contradictions.
Breathe. Breath shallow,
Belly balloons but amygdala resists
The feelings persists
The feelings persists
And I must resist
The feelings that persist.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Ride

These hardened streets, gashed with serrated pot holes
Asperous asphalt
Soon to be softened and slippery
From fresh winter snows
I streak a sliver through the city’s congealed veins
Heart attack, clot, but numb to my own pain
Wash it white, tint-rose so colourful but still
I’m traveling here alone*
Unwanted passenger bleeds my brain
Driving me insane; a taxi I never called
แนปber แนปber alles; bike lane, pushed aside
pedal on, pedal on;

We’ve lost community to a phone
Reaching out, reaching into that empty space, that void in me
The invisible wall maps my ride and counts my steps
Drugged and dragged along by platitudes
But they make no bloody difference
No hope exuded in hollow eyed words,
Eye contact, topped with tar…black pupil-retinal mud makes the darkness blindingly bright

I need to travel off the common path
And not be led where these roads go
The grids with untimely ends and capricious curves…
The need of a flock to follow unneeded, and takes us
To the same places over and over again
What’s the point of life when
You feel dead?
We find ourselves in the same old mess,
Singing drunken lullabies
Simply stated, no simple solve
What’s prescribed seems to sicken me more than heal
Nothing is genuine; it’s no
Wonder we are lost to how we feel

I feel weak, I feel small and powerless
Set my compass, but stuck on the determined road
Salt stings the cuts and cracks and road rash
Black tar and asphalt stain my lungs and the acidic rain eats at my soul
The salt water streaming from my eyes;
An ocean, an eternity, but not rain
Briny bites the cuts and cracks and road rash- I do my own stunts

I want to ride my bike with you
Off the main drag, the beaten path that’s beat me down
Or a canoe:
To be flowing through the river’s blood
As it feeds the earth with natural wonder
Feeds my soul, makes me whole
Lessens the impact of my mental load
Erode my jagged edges and smooth me out
Skipping upon the waves like a water walker
Even though I know
The river’s flow will never cease
A tegument of ice may distort our passage-
To inhale your warm breath; exhale and dissipate like smoke into the ether
Of the endless dimensions of universe and soul;
See it blend and absorb into the greater whole
A contradiction to these pending winter winds
Winter is always warmer in a photograph or film
This film that coats my eyes and emotions
I want to spin this into a positive
Propel by my chain, not tethered
Away, the big yellow taxi,
I need you to ride with me.