Saturday, October 5, 2019

Waking in the Wilderness

dawn is breaking
crack the eggs
cast iron pan
on crackling flame
liquid drops
walls of craggy mountain peaks
form the walls
of liberty
not like a cell
walls of freedom
and opportunity
this is where I find myself
this wilderness
spiritual, sublime
I wish I would wake up
to this everyday
trails to blaze
and peaks to climb
ascend my mind
from its decline
burning in my legs
welcomed sensation
I can push myself
here, my fears dissipate
be one with all
wildflowers alpine meadow
and the moment
a person needs this wild reprieve
satiates my deepest needs
the urban has
left me so run down
forks full, morning energy
steaming strong coffee
a crust of toast
and I'll be on my way spirit creatures
raven, elk,
the moose and black bear
guide me here
ate the weather's mercy
this is the way
that life should be
tired of the city walls
that span my days
concrete, fall,
bustle traffic
stops, standing still
we were never meant
to move this way
society sick,
urban decay
please leave me in
my freedom and
my peace
feels so safe
to be naked here
the fireweed
red on on cliff sheer
palaited woodpecker
pounds a rapid tune
to live and sleep
beneath the stars
free from sirens, rushing cars
reminds me of
just who we are
liquid drops
I need to be where
I feel whole
shit in the woods
not porcelain bowl
to make a nest
in this place so dear to me

Edmonton, AB, Canada

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