Friday, November 29, 2019

Forever we have Arrived

Forever we have Arrived

How did we arrive at this moment?
The linear and spirals of time
From the origins of all;
The matter of which we are comprised? The same energy that has existed
Since time immemorial and the infinite future that
Will shape and shift itself forever
Making us infinite-immortal
All leading to this moment;
The energy that is I that is you that is all

Manifest in the wave that will rise, crest and
Disperse; ocean never-ending
Shape shift
Be the now
Of all placement
We are here
Knowing that all is altering;

Namah Shivaya
Impermanence of a mandala
The grains of sand comprise, compose, wash away
Perhaps never to resemble this particular self-shape again
The wonder of it all; the beauty ever present
The biodiversity and congregation of elements
Spiced with spirit and consciousness

To be as not is nothing and nothing
Implies no-thing; impossible or just impossible to comprehend?
Therein lies the immortality of matter, the impermanence of form
The continuum of time
Our ancestors, our energy, our food our elements
Intertwining double helix
Shape and evolve
Eternal and we are a pies of universal mosaic…
How can we not be mesmerized by this moment
In which we have become?

For we are and we are now
The physical flesh vehicle of our lives altering with each passing moment-
A compilation of all we consume into the new and undiscovered at any other moment
The majesty of it all;

But life and death are fictions
Made to make sense of our world;
But this sense making limits our capacity seriously inhibits our ability
To accept and be accepted
For being is all we do and all we are
A part of the whole, the source….

Be present at every point
Breathe, explore
Love and compassion
Free from the yoke of materialism
Resist conformity
Paradigm ever shifting and carry us within its currents
Into what will be.

Forever we have arrived.

Edmonton, AB, Canada

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