Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Melba toast capped 
Creamed goat brie
Metaphor :
Your scratch fat skin
Reflecting self hate
Thin new begin
Back the bacon-
Hell! Hee haw!
House of hay
House of straw
Brick by brick
Build the wall
Humpty Dumpty;
Ashes fall
Rub them deep
Cracks in your skin
Make it thick
If it can’t be thin
Mirror mirror
Cracked on the wall
Humpty Dumpty;
Ashes fall
Sup the salt
Fry the fat
Lick the lips 
Skin the cat
Chase your tail
Climb the wall
9 lives and forever
On forever feet fall
Flop down flat
slightly stunted stall
Run run to where you begin
Get to that place beneath your skin
Burrow burrow deep inside
Find the place, cannot hide
Nor no more this world abide
Self inflicted genocide
Off dashed down dreams
Zen, tv scenes
Why are you so damn obscene 
Brain stuck in a magazine 
Melba toast capped 
Creamed goat brie
Metaphor :
Your scratch fat skin
Open mouth, stuff it in
Swallow deep
Hold it down
Standing 8, but survived the round
Switch your mind off
Numb it all
Banging head against the wall
The egg cracks
Broken shell ball
The yellow yoke stares
Back at you...
Symbol: the begin
A time before the time 
Of the time of fat and skin

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