Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Voices of doubt,
Of doubt
Like a wind that yields the limb
To its point of fracture
The screaming tree, holding on, holding on
Fly and flow with fever and fear
Leaves long lost
To torrential wind’s breath
Tumultuous tearing, the ripping talons
Of the angry concrete skies
Roots moan and creak, solidified
In the soggy earth
Made moist with tears of passing clouds
My head is a cannon, firing back and forth
My mind, my mind, my mind battles
Bludgeoning hope with each windy lash unleashed
This is the face of my anxiety
The two voices in terse opposition
Tearing me apart
My breath counteracts the wind
I breathe, manipulating the wind that seeks to destroy
Like a wild animal, snared; willing to chew off its own limb
Hobbled but free from this hell
Flow like the limb; yield but never shall I break

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